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7 Unique Family Activities Everyone Can Enjoy


The months following the holidays are slow, dull, and seem long.  So once the holidays are over it’s a long stretch until the weather is nice and we can start enjoying the outdoors again.  This is a time that I need activities that are enjoyable and fulfilling with my family.  So, I’ve created a list of 7 unique family activities that everyone can enjoy.  These are activities families can do together giving bonding time and create some fun memories along the way.

During the post-Christmas time, you may be left wondering, what do we do now?  How do I connect with my family?  Adding to that, the weather may be cold and snowy or just plain chilly, limiting what you can do as a family.  And you may want to just chill on spending for a bit, too.  It is after the holidays.

Play Legos

We have two huge tubs of Legos that were my boy’s Lego when they grew up.  They would get sets as gifts, build them, and after a time they would take them apart and build something new out of it.  When my boys became adults, they made it clear that I needed to keep all of their Legos.  Which I did through two moves.   And one of the moves was over 20 hours away.

After the 20 hour move, I now live a few houses away from my grandchildren.  And we play Legos together.  We play Legos as a family activity.  Sometimes we build something together and other times we each build our own things.

Play in the Snow

It snowed by us earlier this week.  Our snow typically falls overnight and is gone by noonish.  Often, it’s just a few inches.  As I was writing that day, I heard giggles and children laughing, loudly.  With such delight, that it caught my attention.  I witnessed my neighbor, Nick, and his 3 children playing outside in the snow.  His children were on sleds that were tied together, and Nick was pulling them on the sidewalk passed our home. After few passes Nick was getting warm and was wearing a t-shirt and snowpants.  I’m sure it was quite a workout.  The children were sledding, running to catch back up, laughing and laughing the entire time.  This is a day his little ones will remember!

If you live in an area that has snow, go outside and play with your children or grandchildren.  Go sledding, build a snowman, make a snow fort, have a snowball fight, make snow angles.  It’s an easy cheap family activity that you’ll all enjoy.

Make a Sundae Bar

I think every day is a good day for ice cream, right?  How about creating a sundae bar with your kiddos.  Create it together, not mom or dad goes to buy everything, mom or dad sets it up, mom or dad puts everything on the sundae.  That’s serving ice cream.  Involve everyone on the toppings.  Buy additional toppings or use the toppings and ice creams you have.  Some topping ideas that you may already have on hand, pineapple, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, mixed berries, chocolate syrup, caramel topping, whipped topping, sprinkles, candy bars, chopped peanuts, almonds, nuts, peanut butter, cookie bits, jams.  You get the idea.  Each of you can raid the kitchen and come up with topping ideas.  You may be surprised at the toppings your children might choose and the combinations.

Find out what everyone wants and set it up together.  It’s part of the family activity!  When it’s set up each person can make their own.  Don’t panic here.  I know the mess kids can make.  You can help them create their sundae masterpiece.  If they have a large bowl of ice cream one night that will add to the specialness of the Sundae bar.  Keep in mind children and kitchens are washable.

Serve Dinner like a Burger Joint

We were home one weekend and I wanted to have some fun and do something different with the kids.  So, I created a Hamburger Joint type of menu with food that I have on hand complete with prices for each item.  On the menu I had hamburger, cheeseburger, hot dog, French fries, potato chips, milk, soda, shakes and floats.  Oh, and ice cream.

I called the family for lunch and after each on sat at the table I handed out the menus.  I had enough menus so each could use one, like in a burger joint.  The boys were giggly with this.  Then I got them glasses of water while the read the menu.  I completed acted just like a server.  I took their orders, then I was the cook.  And once the food was plated and ready, I served them their food like a server would, but in our own home.  To this day my boys still talk about this and funny they thought it was.

Family Movie Night

This one is not very original, but you can make it more original and not like any other night watching a movie.  Select a movie that is special to your family.  It can be something you have already seen or a new one.  Create the environment.  Create a fort with the opening towards the TV and watch the show from inside the fort.  Join them on the floor if you can.  Another idea is to toss sleeping bags, pillow and blankets on the floor.  Light some candles and turn the house lights off.  Now cuddle up and watch your movie.

You’ll need snacks and drinks.  Popcorn is an obvious choice, but add some yummies to it, like caramel bits, M&M’s, cheese puffs, Gold Fish, Bugels, teddy grahams, you get the idea.  Again, raid the pantry and see what you have that you can add to the popcorn.  Since it’s different to kids, it’s new, it’s special.

Game Night

You can have a family game night even if your kids little.  There are several games that kids can play.  You might need to have a parent help the younger ones play or change how you play so the littler ones can play too.  Maybe you team a little one with an adult.  Allow the little one to make your play or pick between card 1 or card 2 then they make the play.  Let them play too and be involved in the game.  It’s about playing and being together, and a little bit about winning.

We often play Uno, a card game, and not according to the correct rules.  The rules are consistent for each player.  My grandson is 4 and he plays, with help.  He can recognize numbers and colors.  So, when it’s his turn we tell him he can play a 4, a green card, or a Wild.  Then we let him pick from his hand or draw.  We don’t keep score.  We keep track of wins.  It is adorable when he apologizes and lays down a draw card.

Let the little kid in you out and play with your family.  Add little things that take a common activity to a new level of silliness.  Bring out the laughter in your children, in you.  That’s what will create those joyful little things that will be remembered for many years to come.

Family Craft Night

Plan a family craft night that each family member can do either alone or with some guidance.  If you need ideas search Pinterest.  Include your children in the ideas you find.  See which ones they are interested in.  That helps create excitement and anticipation for them.  I created a Pinterest page that I have pinned crafts to that I think would be fun for my grandchildren to do and ones I think they can do that are a little unique for them.  I show them to the grandchildren and from them we select which ones we will do.  My granddaughter loves craft time and asks for it often.

One fun craft we did that was pretty easy was we used Dry Erase board markers to create tattoos.  The kids loved drawing the tattoos and putting them on their hands.  We’ve made glow in the dark glitter slime, beaded snowflakes, water painting activities, sock bunnies, cloud dough.  There are unlimited ideas out there.  And not all crafts have to be coloring or cutting.  Use different mediums that kids can experience.

I hope you can add these family activities to create some entertainment during the long winter months.  Hopefully you can create the giggles and the laughter in your little ones creating the joyful little moments that they will talk about forever.

Let me know how you enjoy them?  How about your children or grandchildren?  Did you bring out their giggles and laughter?